In Culture

Introducing In Culture

Episode Summary

Hosts Becca DeGregorio and Todd Whitney set out to uncover how leaders in fashion, art, music, and sports are using technologies like artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and the Internet of Things to reshape the future. Becca and Todd collaborate with Microsoft to find out how these creators are turning ideas into reality and inspiring others along the way.

Episode Notes

For more information about Microsoft's In Culture podcast, please visit:

Episode Transcription

Becca: Hey, I'm Becca.

Todd: And I'm Todd.

Becca: For the past few months we've been exploring the nexus of culture and technology.

Todd: What we found out is, well, quite a few things.

Becca: We spoke to an artist who composed a piece of music to be played by New York city skies.

Speaker 3: AI feels kind of like maybe my band mate that never ever goes to sleep.

Todd: A student at the London College of Fashion working with tech to eliminate fabric waste from her industry.

Speaker 4: I basically want to make it easy for a designer to just go ahead and design a beautiful garment and then automatically feed it into the software and get a more sustainable solution.

Becca: The chief information officer at Renault's Formula One Team who's leveraging data to shave critical seconds off the race.

Speaker 5: I would rather say that we use fast date compared with big data.

Todd: The studio head at Halo, whose whole job is to extend the world to the video game and make it more immersive.

Speaker 6: Even though we're a first person shooter, there's nothing like actually standing next to an eight foot tall alien.

Becca: Along the way, we saw creative people pushing technology to the limit.

Speaker 7: Whenever a new technology comes along, we'll think, "What's possible with this now? What out of the things we've done in the past could we do with this new technology?"

Todd: Technology pushing people's creativity to places they'd never imagined it would go.

Speaker 8: I remember very vividly having that conversation saying, "Have you ever thought about digitizing this process?" And there was a look of astonishment in that, you can do that?

Becca: And innovators looking to reshape the world for the better all the way up to the president of Microsoft, Brad Smith.

Brad Smith: Climate, water, biodiversity. The farther we went, the more we realized that artificial intelligence can really address a wide variety of societal needs.

Todd: We're bringing together all the stories we've heard into a new podcast from Microsoft.

Becca: It's called In Culture and on November 11 you can listen to all five episodes wherever you get your podcasts.

Todd: That's what's up.

Natasha: That's what's up.